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1. Recycling high-speed countercurrent chromatography for separation of taxol and cephalomanine, 杜琪珍, JOURNAL OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY & RELATED TECHNOLOGIES , 1998, V21, N1-2, P157-162

2. Effect of potassium, magnesium and sulphur applied in different forms of fertilisers on free amino acid content in leaves of tea (Camellia sinensis L.), 阮建云, Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 1998,830C0001

3. Separation of epigallocatechin gallate and gallocatechin gallate using multiple instruments connected in series, 杜琪珍, OURNAL OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY&mdash;RELATED TECHNOLOGIES, 1998V21 N1-2 P203-208

4. Relationship between the flow-rate of the mobile phase and retention of the stationary phase in counter-current chromatography, 杜琪珍, JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A , 1999, V835,; N1-2(MAR 12), P231-235

5. Effects of potassium and magnesium nutrition on the quality components of different types of ten , 阮建云, J.Sci.Food.Agric, 1999,79:47-52

6. Effect of nitrogen form and phosphorus source on growth, nutrient uptake and rhizosphere property of Camellia sinensis L. 阮建云, Plant and Soil, 2000,652LB01

7. Separation of radioactive metabolite in cultured tea cells fed with14Cphenylalanine using high-speed counter current chromatography chromatograph, 杜琪珍, J-chromatogr-Amsterdum, 2001921(2):331-334

8. Behavioral and electrophysiological responses of natural enemies to the synomones from tea shoots and the kairomones from tea aphids Toxoptera aurantii, 韩宝瑜, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2002, 28 (11): 2203 ~ 2219

9. Composition of the Volatiles from Intact and Mechanically Pierced and Tea Aphid -Tea Shoot Complexes and Their Attraction to Natural Enemies of the Tea Aphid, 韩宝瑜, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ,, 2002, 50 (9): 2571 ~ 2575

10. Genetic diversity and phylogeny of tea plant (Camellia sinensis) and its related species and varieties in the section Thea genus Camellia determined by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, 陈亮, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2002, 77(6)Accepted

11. Uptake of fluoride by tea plant(Camellia sinensis L)and the impact of aluminium, 阮建云, JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, 2003

12. Aluminium absorption by intact roots of the Al-accumulating plant Camellia sinensis L. 阮建云, Agronomie, 2004, 24:37-142

13. Effects of litter incorporation and nitrogen fertilization on the contents of extractable aluminium in the rhizosphere soil of tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O.Kuntze). 阮建云, Plant and Soil, 2004, 263:283-296

14. The impact of pH and calcium on the uptake of fluoride by tea plants (Camellia sinensis L)E, 阮建云, Annals of Botany, 2004, 93(1):97-105

15. RAPD markers for discriminating tea germplasms on the inter-specific level in China, 陈亮, Plant Breeding, 2005, 124(4):404-409

16. The use of RAPD markers for detecting genetic diversity, relationship and molecular identification of Chinese elite tea genetic resources [Camellia sinensis (L.)O. Kuntze] preserved in tea germplasm repository, 陈亮, Biodiversity and Conservation, 2005, 14(6): 1433-1444

17. Generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags from the tender shoots cDNA library of tea plant (Camellia sinensis), 陈亮, Plant Science, 2005, 168(2):359-363

18. A review of recent studies in China on the possible beneficial health effect of tea, 朱永兴, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2005, 4010): 1-8

19. Variations of main quality components of tea genetic resources [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] preserved in the China National Germplasm Tea Repository, 陈亮, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2005, 60(1):31-35

20. Concentrations of Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt and Copper in Different Types of Chinese Tea, 韩文炎, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2005, 75:272-277

21. Inhibiting the Sexual Behavior of Female Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera, 董文霞, Journal of Insect Behavior, 200518 (4)

22. Scale and causes of lead contamination in Chinese tea, 韩文炎, Environmental Pollution, 2006, 139:125-132

23. Aluminium in tea plantations; mobility in soils and plants, and the influence of nitrogen fertilizers, 阮建云, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 200628:519-528

24. Attraction of winged tea aphids to tea plant volatiles measured by alfactometry and electro-antennography, 韩宝瑜, Tropical Agriculture, 2006,83(1)

25. Effect of alternative anions (Cl- vs. SO42-) on concentrations of free amino acids in young tea plants. . 阮建云, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science , 2007, 170: 49-58

26. Effect of root-zone pH and form and concentration of nitrogen on the accumulation of quality-related components in green tea. 阮建云, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 2007, 87: 1505-1516.

27. Effect of nitrogen form and root-zone pH on growth and nitrogen uptake of tea (Camellia sinensis) plants, 阮建云, Annals of Botany, 2007, 99(2): 301-310

28. Genetic improvement and breeding of tea plant (Camellia sinensis) in China, from individual selection to hybridization and molecular breeding, 陈亮, Euphytica, 2007154239-248

29. Soil microbial biomass and activity in Chinese tea gardens of varying stand age and productivity. 韩文炎, Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2007,39:1468-1478

30. Effect of liming and seasonal variation on lead concentration of tea plant (Camellia sinensis L) , 韩文炎, Chemosphere, 2007,66:84-90

31. 三级营养关系中茶树间接防御茶尺蠖危害的生化机制, 许 宁 , 茶叶科学, 1998,1811-5

32. 茶树RAPD反应系统和扩增程序优化, 陈亮 , 茶叶科学, 1998,18116-20

33.15个茶树品种遗传多样性的RAPD分析, 陈亮 , 茶叶科学, 1998,18121-27

34. 云南普洱茶渥堆过程中生化成分的变化及其与品质形成的关系, 罗龙新 , 茶叶科学, 1998,18153-60

35. 茶树及其他山茶属植物花粉形态、超微结构及演化, 束际林 , 茶叶科学, 1998,1816-15

36. 红茶酚性色素的分离, 徐向群, 茶叶科学, 1998,182155-156

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