主要从事茶树遗传育种工作,当前主要研究领域为:(1)茶树种质资源和育种;(2)植物激素与非生物逆境调控;(3)茶树抗寒分子机制。发表SCI论文13篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Plant Cell、Cell Reports,Trends in Plant Science,Journal of Experimental Botany等国际权威期刊上发表论文6篇;以合作者在Science、Nature Communications、PNAS和Plant Physiology等期刊发表论文7篇。主持国家自然科学基金、中国农业科学院青年英才培养项目等项目。
(1)Jianyan Huang#, Xiaobo Zhao, Marco Bürger, Yurong Wang, Joanne Chory#. Two interacted ethylene response factors regulate heat stress response. Plant Cell , (2021), 33(2):338-357 (#共同通讯)
(2)Xiaobo Zhao*, Jianyan Huang*, Joanne Chory. Unraveling the linkage between retrograde signaling and RNA metabolism in plant. Trends in Plant Science (2020), 25(2):141-147 (*共同第一)
(3)Jianyan Huang*, Xiaobo Zhao*, Joanne Chory. Arabidopsis transcriptome responds specifically and dynamically to high light stress. Cell Reports (2019), 29: 4186–4199 (*共同第一)
(4)Jianyan Huang, Xiaobo Zhao, Ke Cheng, Yunhe Jiang, Yidan Ouyang, Caiguo Xu, Xianghua Li, Jinghua Xiao, Qifa Zhang. OsAP65, a rice aspartic protease, is essential for male fertility and plays a role in pollen germination and pollen tube growth . Journal of Experimental Botany (2013), 64: 3351–3360
(5)Jianyan Huang, Xiaobo Zhao, Xiaoyu Weng, Lei Wang, Weibo Xie. The rice B-box zinc finger gene family: genomic identification, characterization, expression profiling and diurnal analysis. PLoS One (2012), 7: e48242
(6)Jianyan Huang#, Xiaobo Zhao, Huihui Yu, Yidan Ouyang, Lei Wang, Qifa Zhang. The ankyrin repeat gene family in rice: genome-wide identification, classification and expression profiling. Plant Molecular Biology (2009), 71: 207-226 (#通讯作者)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,32202552,乙烯响应因子CsERF2调控茶树低温胁迫响应的分子机制,2023-2025,主持。
2. 基本科研业务费项目,1610212021002,茶树基因编辑技术体系的建立,2021-2023,主持。
3. 国家重点研发计划课题,2021YFD1601101,山区茶园生态绿色增效栽培关键技术研发与集成,2021-2026,子课题负责人。
4. 浙江省农业新品种选育重大科技专项,2021C02067-2,茶树重要农艺性状定向育种技术体系构建与应用,2021-2025,参加。